Tammy Jacobson: Links

Friends on the Web:

Flora’s Hideout: My very good friend (and my Webmaster mentor!!!). Thanks for all your kind help and patience, Flora.

Mr. Blink: My talented cousin Nancy, her webmaster husband Mike, and their band, Mr. Blink.

Obliquity: My cousin Lynne, the Webmaster exiled in the United Kingdom with her husband, the astronomer.

HealthCents4Life.com: My friend Jeannine, who has just joined forces with one of America's most well known health companies.

The Purple Pantry: My cousin Mike who sells and trades Beanie Babies.

Light Speed Astro Photos: My friend Dennis Landucci shot the last six astrophotographs on this page from his observatory next door.

My Favorite Photographers On the Web:

Anne Geddes

Lisa Jane

Valerie Tabor-Smith

Art and Animation:

Cartoon Network: Downloadable icons.

Warner Brothers Animation

Letter Arts: The international magazine for all who love letters and make letters.

Vellum Gallery: Art based on calligraphy and illumination.

Calligraphy Ring

Callig: Information exchange for anyone interested in calligraphy.

Drawing Hand: Cool screen saver.

Spirograph: Cool Java version of my favorite childhood game.

American Sign Language:

ASL Browser: A great ASL dictionary. This is my favorite site for practising my ASL for communicating with my hearing impaired co-workers.

Deaf World Web: ASL Online Dictionary.

ASL Fingerspelling: Fingerspelling, dictionary, converter, and interactive quiz.

Silent Thunder: Animated Sign Language dictionary.

SIGNhear Communication Center: ASL dictionary.

Vicars ASL Course: Introductory signing concepts.

Deaf WWW


Crystal Gayle: My favorite singer since I was a child.

TV Guide: Why spend the money?

AMC Pages: For when you never have time to watch All My Children.

Rebecca’s Garden: Minnesota’s own Rebecca Kolls.

Better Homes and Gardens

Martha Stewart: It’s a great site - and easier than listening to her...

Katie Brown: She must be Martha’s little sister.

The Food Network: For when you’re not quick enough to write or tape the recipe you see on TV.

Mark’s Apology Note Generator: It may come in handy.

National Karate: My husband was an instructor there. (Now he has a real job.)

TerraServer: Zoom in on a satellite view of your home. One of my husband's favorites.

Hampsterdance: Get ready to smile.

Mall of America: "Just for the fun of it."

Free Email and Greeting Cards:

Yahoo Mail: It’s the e-mail I use, but I like care-mail better.

Beer.com: Everyone knows someone who should have this e-mail address.

Net Forward: Free e-mail with many domain names to choose from. Way too cool.

Maui Mail: Free e-mail from paradise.

The Doghouse: Free e-mail for the guy in your life.

Care-Mail: Donations made to wildlife charity with each use. Very cool, colorful little graphics that don’t take too long to load. They also have a wide variety of free greeting cards to send.

Little Koala: Free greeting cards.

All about Eyeore from Winnie the Pooh: Free greeting cards.

My Soap Box:

Write Your Rep: Send e-mail to your government officials with your concerns.

Children Missing: A site dedicated to missing children.

Faces of Fear: The faces of child kidnappers and child molesters in hopes of getting them off the streets.

Smart Parent: If you have children, check it out.


Copyright © 1999-2000 by Tammy Jacobson. All Rights Reserved.