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Slightly Frozen Cake

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Servings: 4
Categories: Cakes / Chocolate / Desserts / Ice Cream/Frozen Yogurt

2    Meringue cake layers (bought
    Or homemade)
3/4    To 1-1/4 cup whipped cream
1/2  pk  Orange sherbert

Meringue Layers: 3 or 4 egg whites (1/3 cup) 2/3 cup sugar Chocolate Sauce: 1/4 cup heavy cream 1-1/2 oz (1-1/2 squares) unsweetened baking chocolate, broken into pieces Preheat oven to 300 degrees. To make meringue layers, beat egg whites in a clean bowl with a dry, clean beater until they form stiff, dry peaks. Continue to beat for a few more minutes. Sprinkle with sugar. Fold sugar into egg whites with a couple of deep strokes with a spoon. Draw 2 circles on a piece of baking paper. Spread meringue on the paper within these circles. Bake for about 45 minutes. The meringue is done when it separates from the paper. Make chocolate sauce by placing heavy cream and chocolate into a saucepan. Heat and stir until chocolate melts and sauce is smooth. To put cake together, alternate meringue cake layers, chocolate sauce, whipped cream and sherbet. Grate sherbet over whipped cream, using coarse side of a grater. Repeat with the next layer. Place cake in freezer for an hour or until time to serve it. If it is in the freezer longer than an hour, thaw it some before serving. If you which to decorate the cake, make deecorations with soft sherbt and a pastry bag. Yield: 6 to 8 servings From Whitman's Chocolate Cookbook

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