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Maryland Black Cake

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Servings: 1
Categories: Cakes / Desserts

1  c  BUTTER *
2 2/3  c  (level) brown sugar
1  ea  Nutmeg, grated
2  ts  (level) powdered cinnamon
1  t  (level) powdered cloves
1  tb  (level) powdered ginger
6  ea  Eggs, separated
2 1/2  c  (level) flour
4  c  (level) seeded raisins
6  c  (level) currants
2  ts  (level) Baking powder
1/2  c  Molasses
1/2  c  Fruit juice
4  c  (level) shredded candied
    -citron peel

* Untested. I don't know if substituting salt-free Margarine for butter will work, or if such even exists. Cream butter [margarine?] well; add one-half of sugar mixed with spices and mix well, now add remainder of sugar mixed with beaten yolks of eggs, and beat for five minutes (this was meant for hand-beating). Beat up whites of eggs and add them to mixture. Now add flour mixed with currants and raisins cut in halves, baking powder mixed with molasses and wine. Mix carefully and place one-fourth of this mixture in a large cake pan lined with greased paper, then sprinkle in a layer of citron. Repeat until batter and citron are all used. Bake in a moderate oven for four hours. [Be careful]...the cake burns easily. It may be necessary to put a pan of hot water in the oven to moderate the heat, or to place a tin or asbestos mat underneath. Sufficient for one large cake. From Mrs. Julius Snowden, Laurel, Maryland in _The Ryzon Baking Book_ General Chemical Company, 1918 Typos by Jeff Pruett. Submitted By JEFF PRUETT On 05-01-95 (0034)

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