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Karen's Pumpkin Pie

Author/Submitted by: Karen Adler, By "Lloyd A. Carver" <> on Jan 5, 1996
Servings: 8
Categories: Desserts / Pies & Pastries / Pumpkin

2    eggs
16  ounces  pumpkin, *see Note
3/4  cup  brown sugar
1  dash  nutmeg
1/2  teaspoon  salt
1  teaspoon  cinnamon
1/2  teaspoon  ginger
1/4  teaspoon  cloves, ground
1 2/3  cups  heavy cream
2  tablespoons  whiskey, Jack Daniel's
1    pie shell, 9-inch

Mix all ingredients (except pie shell, of course) together. Bake at 425 degrees for 15 minutes. Reduce to 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Pie is done when knife inserted in center comes out clean.

* I make this pie from prepared fresh pumpkin. To do this, take a pumpkin, wipe it down, remove top and seeds, and cut it in half. Place the halves cut side down in a shallow pan and bake for about an hour at 350-degrees or until soft. Remove, let cool, take off rind, and cut into 2 inch pieces. The night before pie is made, place pumpkin pieces in strainer with cheesecloth and let moisture drip out overnight. You could hurry the process by pressing water out with a spoon. Weight pumpkin again to make sure you have 16 oz. You can freeze extra pumpkin for later use. If you have any pumpkin filling left over, pour in custard cups and bake for about 1/2 hour. Absolutely delicious. This is not a pie for the calorie-conscious, but it is one of my best and treasured recipes! Enjoy.

* I make this pie from prepared fresh pumpkin. To do this, take a pumpkin, wipe it down, remove top and seeds, and cut it in half. Place the halves cut side down in a shallow pan and bake for about an hour at 350-degrees or until soft. Remove, let cool, take off rind, and cut into 2 inch pieces. The night before pie is made, place pumpkin pieces in strainer with cheesecloth and let moisture drip out overnight. You could hurry the process by pressing water out with a spoon. Weight pumpkin again to make sure you have 16 oz. You can freeze extra pumpkin for later use. If you have any pumpkin filling left over, pour in custard cups and bake for about 1/2 hour. Absolutely delicious. This is not a pie for the calorie-conscious, but it is one of my best and treasured recipes! Enjoy.

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