Champion Ice Cream Joann Rachor
Author/Submitted by: Servings: 1 Categories:
Ice Cream/Frozen Yogurt
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Frozen bananas run through a Champion Juicer make a delicious ice
cream. For other flavors of ice cream using the juicer, try one of
the following recipes. CREAMY LOW-FAT TOPPING, PUMPKIN PIE filling
(no cornstarch), CAROB MILLET SAUCE (may leave out banana, sweetener,
and vanilla. Use 3 tablespoons molasses.), MILLET PUDDING (may use
rice.) These recipes should be frozen in ice cube trays. Run cubes
through juicer. Use blank attachment. Serve immediately.
Source: Of These Ye May Freely Eat: A Vegetarian Cookbook by JoAnn
Rachor . ISBN 1-878726-02-1 Shared by Carolyn Shaw 9-95.
Note: Ingredients in capital letters refer to either another recipe
or a cooking method which can be found elsewhere in the series.
Unfamiliar ingredients can be found in most large grocery stores or
health food stores.
From: Carolyn Shaw Date: 03-19-96 (20:35) Winquest
Pc (401) Low-Fat