Almond Cookies (Old Fashioned Vanilla Sticks)
Author/Submitted by: Servings: 1 Categories:
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(Store these cookies in a tightly covered tin; Mom and Grandma kept
1/2 an apple with them for moisture. I dislike musty apple flavor so
keep a paper towel dampened with brandy or vanilla in the tin in an
open plastic bag. The matured cookies have a delicious chewy, waxy
We always made the Vanilla Sticks with unblanched almonds. As with any
meringue, add the sugar gradually and beat very well AFTER the sugar.)
Beat 4 egg whites stiff, add 1 lb powdered sugar. Beat 15 minutes by
hand or 5 minutes in electric mixer. Set aside some (about 1/4) for
icing; add 1 lb. grated almonds, vanilla to flavor, to rest. Roll
out, cut in strips, glaze with icing; bake in moderate oven.